Aviso de privacidad Tridenta Towers

Privacy Policy

Any personal information, such as name, age, state, gender, telephones, email addresses, Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn ID, address, RFC/CURP, credit card information, or signature (hereinafter referred to as DATA), requested for contracts, forms or through any other means by DOMUS VALLARTA INMOBILIARIA, S.A. DE C.V., located at KM 3.7 CARRETERA PUNTA MITA, INTERIOR 21-1. CONDOMINIO REAL DEL MAR. LA CRUZ DE HUANACAXTLE, 63732, BAHIA DE BANDERAS, NAYARIT, shall be used, dealt with and protected in accordance to the stipulations established under the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Information and its regulations.

The DATA shall only be used for these objectives: to grant the services and products requested, for notifications regarding new products and services related to those that have already been purchased or acquired, for notifications regarding status changes, to carry out studies and programs necessary to identify consumer habits, to carry out periodic evaluations in order to improve the quality of our products and services, to evaluate the quality of our services and generally speaking, to fulfill our obligations with our clients.

The confidentially of the DATA is guaranteed and is protected by administrative, technical and physical security measures to avoid any damage, loss, modification, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure of information. Only authorized personnel will have access to the DATA.

The DATA can only be given to third parties in the cases foreseen under the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Information established under Article 37 of such.

It is important to note that you have the right to access, rectify or cancel any of the DATA and refuse its use. In order to do so, you must present your request to the technology department under the stipulations established in Article 29 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Information. This department is located at KM 3.7 CARRETERA PUNTA MITA, INTERIOR 21-1. CONDOMINIO REAL DEL MAR. LA CRUZ DE HUANACAXTLE, 63732, BAHIA DE BANDERAS, NAYARIT or via email message to sistemas@domusvallarta.com In this case we ask that you confirm the receipt of your email via telephone to +52 (329) 298 5010.

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